If you intend to complete your degree requirements as a nonregistered student (complete your degree by taking up to 10 of your final 45 units through UCLA Extension or at another institution), you should file a request to graduate In Absentia.
- Use the Request to Graduate In Absentia form available online
- Submit the completed form to your degree auditor in 1113 Murphy Hall
- Requests are due Friday of the second week of the quarter you have designated as your degree expected term.
- You may be assessed an “Undergraduate In Absentia Degree Service Fee” in addition to the “Declaration of Candidacy Fee”
Students graduating In Absentia should also check with both their College advising unit and their major department(s) to make sure that they will not be in violation of the College’s Residence Requirement and that the work completed In Absentia will, in fact, complete their degree.
Official transcripts (with grades of the courses taken outside of UCLA, including UCLA Extension) must be received by your degree auditor in the Registrar’s Office no later than three weeks after the end of your degree expected term.
Transcripts should be brought or sent to:
UCLA Registrar
Attn: Candidacy
1113 Murphy Hall, Box 951429
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1429