The College Student Petition is used to request exceptions to academic regulations due to unusual and/or unforeseen circumstances. If you are requesting an exception to a rule, you must provide a full explanation, including documentation when appropriate, indicating why the College should make an exception.
College Student Petitions for the following requests will NOT be considered or approved:
- Concurrent enrollment during your first quarter at UCLA
- To graduate with less than 180 units
- To graduate with less than 60 upper division units
- To graduate with a major GPA and/or overall GPA below a 2.0.
Please note that by submitting this petition, approval is not guaranteed and that it may take up to 15 business days to be entered, reviewed, and processed.
Non-College Student Petitions
Note: The following procedures are handled with specific, separate petitions and DO NOT use the College Student Petition:
- Study List Petitions (e.g. Late Add, Impacted Drop, Change Grading Basis, etc.)
- Dismissal/Multiple Withdrawal Appeal
- Reduced Fee
- Time to Degree
- Withdrawal/Time Off
- Transfer Course Credit Petitions
- Change in Major or Minor
- Double Major
Should the College receive any of the above requests via the College Student Petition, it will be automatically denied. By submitting the incorrect petition, the processing time may be delayed; thus, we encourage you to speak with a College Advisor if you are unsure of which petition to submit.
Please see below for the various request types a student may consider submitting a petition for an exception.
Students who wish to apply concurrent enrollment credit toward a degree requirement must file a College Student Petition.
Concurrent enrollment is when a student is attending UCLA in a regular quarter (Fall, Winter, or Spring) and another institution (community colleges, UCLA Extension, or a four-year institution) at the same time. If a student concurrently enrolls in another institution without prior approval from the College, they will NOT receive credit toward their degree for the coursework completed at the non-UCLA institution.
Note for Summer Sessions: A student enrolled in UCLA Summer Sessions is allowed to transfer credit to UCLA for work completed concurrently at another institution, providing this work does not overlap with the regular Spring or Fall quarters. If there is any overlap with Spring or Fall quarter, the student must receive prior approval from the College or they will NOT receive credit toward their degree for the coursework completed at the non-UCLA institution.
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to petition concurrent enrollment:
- Course Information
- Where the course will be taken
- The course department/number and title
- The start and end date for the course
- Course Requirement
- The UCLA requirement you wish this course to fulfill (e.g. upper division major requirement, social analysis GE, etc.).
- Student Explanation
- Please discuss why you need to take this course during a regular quarter while enrolled at UCLA. Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and APPROVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED.
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit. Visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link where you can submit your request.
Students who wish to extend an incomplete grade in a course for which an incomplete has already been granted must file a College Student Petition. Students have until the end (Friday of Finals week) of their next regularly registered (paid) quarter to resolve an incomplete without petitioning. If unresolved, incomplete grades lapse to “Fail” grades at the end of the next regularly registered (paid) quarter.
Note: For classes taken in the Spring, the next regular registered quarter would be Fall (assuming the student has paid for Fall).
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to petition to extend an incomplete grade:
- Course Information
- Course department/number
- The term/year of original enrollment
- Extension Request
- Indicate the date that the professor has agreed to extend your incomplete grade
- Indicate the remaining coursework that needs to be completed
- Student Explanation + Additional Documentation
- Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and APPROVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED. As you answer the prompts below, you should include as much relevant detail as you can, including a chronology of events or description of your situation to assist the committee in reviewing your petition. You should also provide documentation to support your explanation when possible.
- Address the following as they apply to your situation:
- Explain the circumstances of your original incomplete in the course
- Explain why were you not able to remove the incomplete during your next registered/enrolled term
- If needed, please clarify the additional coursework that still needs to be completed for this course
- Explain how an extension of time to complete this course would benefit you
- Instructor Verification
- Please ask your professor to explicitly answer the questions below. We recommend that you confirm their support before asking them to respond to the questions–you can copy and paste these questions into an email to the professor; you can then save the instructors response as a .jpg or .pdf file and attach it to the online petition.
- Do you support the student extending the incomplete? Yes or No
- What is the department and number of the course the student is completing?
- By what date have you and the student agreed for the coursework to be completed?
- Please specify for the committee what additional coursework the student needs to complete.
- Please ask your professor to explicitly answer the questions below. We recommend that you confirm their support before asking them to respond to the questions–you can copy and paste these questions into an email to the professor; you can then save the instructors response as a .jpg or .pdf file and attach it to the online petition.
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit. Visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link where you can submit your request.
Students who wish to request an exception to the Senior Residency Requirement must file a College Student Petition.
In order to be in compliance with the UCLA College residency requirement you must earn 35 of your final 45 quarter units in residence at UCLA. This requirement is referred to as the “Senior Residency” requirement because it is during your senior year that you will accumulate the last 45 units you need to graduate–only 10 quarter units may be taken outside of the UCLA College and transferred back.
UC Education Abroad Program (EAP) courses do not count toward residency, but residency is automatically waived (holding the student to 35 of the last 90 units in residence). Students studying abroad in non-UCEAP programs must submit a petition to waive residency, but will usually be held to the same requirements as EAP participants. Major residency must still be met.
Additional notes: Summer courses taken at UCLA are considered in residence. UCLA Extension & Non-UCEAP programs are not considered to be in residence.
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to petition the senior residency requirement:
- Course Information
- How many non-UCLA quarter units are you planning to transfer during your Senior year?
- What non-UCLA institution will you be completing the coursework? Note: UCLA Extension is not considered to be in residence.
- Student Explanation + Additional Documentation
- Please discuss why you need to exceed ten quarter units of non-UCLA residency credits and why you are unable to complete these units at UCLA. You are not required to attach supporting documentation, but if relevant, you are welcome to submit documents via the online petition that will support your explanation.
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit. Visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link where you can submit your request.
Students who wish to change the grading basis for a mandatory letter grade (LG) or mandatory Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) course must file a College Student Petition. Certain courses are only allowed to be taken for a LG, while others can only be taken for P/NP.
Requests made past the Friday of week 6 deadline are very rarely approved and should address the delay in timeline.
For grading basis deadlines for summer sessions, please refer to the Summer Sessions office website.
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to petition to change the grading basis for a mandatory LG or mandatory P/NP course:
- Course Information
- Course department and number (e.g. “ECON 41”)
- Course title (e.g. “Probability and Statistics for Economists”)
- Course term/year (e.g. “Fall 2023”)
- Department Chair/Vice Chair Support
- To petition to change the grading basis for a mandatory LG or mandatory P/NP course, you must have the support of the Department Chair or Vice Chair. When you are preparing to submit your petition, we recommend copying and pasting the questions below into an email to the Department Chair or Vice Chair; you can then save their response as a .jpg or .pdf file and attach it to the online petition.
- What is the department and number of the course the student is completing?
- Do you support the student’s request to change the grading basis of this course?
- The Chair/Vice Chair’s full name, contact information and/or affiliation.
- Note: Instructor support is not sufficient, unless the instructor is also the Department Chair or Vice Chair.
- To petition to change the grading basis for a mandatory LG or mandatory P/NP course, you must have the support of the Department Chair or Vice Chair. When you are preparing to submit your petition, we recommend copying and pasting the questions below into an email to the Department Chair or Vice Chair; you can then save their response as a .jpg or .pdf file and attach it to the online petition.
- Student Explanation + Additional Documentation
- Please provide a written explanation of why you are making this request.Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and APPROVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED. As you provide a written explanation of your request, you should include as much relevant detail as you can, including a chronology of events or description of your situation to assist the committee in reviewing your petition.
- You should also provide documentation to support your explanation when possible.
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit. Visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link where you can submit your request.
Students who wish to request exceptions to the repeat policy must file a College Student Petition. The scenarios with which a student may request an exception include:
- To repeat a course more than once, and;
- To repeat a course with a course taken at another institution (i.e., another UC or through Extension XLC for which grade credit was granted).
Note: You may only repeat a course if you received a Letter Grade of “C-” or lower, or a No Pass.
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to petition the repeat policy:
- To repeat a course more than once
- Course Information
- You will need to provide information (course department/number and the term/year attempted) for each repeated attempt.
- Student Explanation
- Please provide a written explanation of why you are making this request.
- Department Support
- Department support must be submitted if the course is required for your major or minor. If there is no alternative course option and you must repeat this course to complete your major or minor, please submit a .jpg or .pdf file to your online petition showing proof of departmental support.
- Course Information
- To repeat a course with a course taken at another institution
- Course Information
- The institution where you completed the course
- The course department, number, title, and the term/year you attempted the course
- Student Explanation
- Please provide a written explanation of why you are making this request.
- Department Support (optional)
- Department support is not required for this request. However, if you have the support of your department, we encourage you submit a .jpg or .pdf file to your online petition showing proof of departmental support.
- Course Information
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit. Visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link where you can submit your request.
Students who wish to take an earlier course in a true sequence after having completed a more advanced course and earned a grade of “D-“ or higher, must file a College Student Petition. True sequences include, foreign languages as well as math and chemistry lower and upper division courses.
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to petition a sequence restriction:
- Course Information
- Information of course that violates the sequence restriction (course receiving unit & GPA deduction)
- Please list the department and number.
- The less advance course that is taken out of sequence (e.g. “French 2”).
- Course title for the proposed course (e.g. “Elementary French 2”).
- Course term for the proposed course
- The term/year in which you enrolled/are enrolling in this course (e.g. “Fall 2023”).
- Please list the department and number.
- Course department and number of completed course that is higher in the sequence
- Please list the course department and number (e.g. “French 3”).
- Course title of completed course that is higher in the sequence (e.g. “Elementary French 3”).
- Course term for the completed course that is higher in the sequence
- The term/year in which you enrolled/are enrolling in this course (e.g. “Fall 2022”).
- Information of course that violates the sequence restriction (course receiving unit & GPA deduction)
- Department Support
- To petition for an exception to sequence restrictions, you must have the support of the department offering the course. For example, if the sequence restriction is for French 3, you will need the support of the European Languages and Transcultural Studies department. Please reach out to the Departmental Advisor to request a statement of support for your petition. We recommend emailing the Departmental Advisor and saving their response as a .jpg or .pdf file in order to attach it to the online petition.
- Student Explanation + Additional Documentation
- Please provide a written explanation of why you are making this request. Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and APPROVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED. As you provide a written explanation of your request, you should include as much relevant detail as you can, including a chronology of events or description of your situation to assist the committee in reviewing your petition. You should also provide documentation to support your explanation when possible.
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit. Visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link where you can submit your request.
Students who wish to request an exception to exceed the Passed/No Passed (P/NP) unit limit for the term must submit a College Student Petition.
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to request additional P/NP units:
- Proposed Course Plan
- Please share your proposed course plan for the term, including the P/NP grading credit courses
- Please list the course departments and numbers, e.g., “French 3, Philosophy 101, English 50”
- How many total units of Passed/Not Passed are you requesting for this term?
- E.g., 5 = 5 units of Passed/Not Passed
- Are any of your courses this term mandatory P/NP? Yes/No
- IF YES, please list all the proposed courses this term that are mandatory P/NP. Please also list the course department(s) and number(s) (e.g. “French 3”).
- Please share your proposed course plan for the term, including the P/NP grading credit courses
- Student Explanation + Additional Documentation
- Please provide a written explanation of why you are making this request. Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and APPROVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED. As you provide a written explanation of your request, you should include as much relevant detail as you can, including a chronology of events or description of your situation to assist the committee in reviewing your petition.
- You should also provide documentation to support your explanation when possible.
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit – visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link to submit.
Students in Academic Difficulty (quarter and/or cumulative GPA is below a 2.0) who wish to take a course Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) must submit a College Student Petition.
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to petition to take a course for Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) when in academic difficulty. Students who are in good academic standing should not submit this petition.
- Proposed P/NP Course Information
- Course Department and Number (e.g. “Spanish 1”)
- Course Title (e.g. “Elementary Spanish”)
- Course Term/Year (e.g. “Fall 2023”)
- Course Enrollment Status
- If you are already enrolled in the course
- Indicate the grading basis for the course
- If this is an optional grading course, and you are submitting this petition after 11:59pm on Friday of week 6 (of a regular academic quarter), then you will also be required to submit a Grading Basis Petition
- If you are not yet enrolled in the course, and submitting this petition before 11:59pm on Friday of week 6 of a regular academic quarter
- Indicate the grading basis for the course.
- If you are submitting this petition before 11:59pm on Friday of Week 3 for a regular academic quarter, you must attach an enrollment petition with the instructor signature.
- If you are submitting this petition after 11:59pm on Friday of Week 3 for the regular academic quarter, you do not need to attach an enrollment petition. Instead, you must submit a Late Add Petition in conjunction with this petition.
- Note: Please see the Summer Sessions calendar for enrollment deadlines in Summer.
- If you are already enrolled in the course
- Student Explanation + Additional Documentation
- Please provide a written explanation of why you are making this request.Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and APPROVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED. As you provide a written explanation of your request, you should include as much relevant detail as you can, including a chronology of events or description of your situation to assist the committee in reviewing your petition.
- You should also provide documentation to support your explanation, when possible.
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit. Visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link where you can submit your request.
To request an exception to College/University policies not contained in the above list and other petition forms, you may submit a request under the “other” option. To ensure that you are submitting the correct petition for your request, we strongly encourage that you meet with an academic advisor prior to submitting a petition. Contact information for the College Advising units can be found at this link:
Once again, College Student Petitions for the following requests will NOT be considered or approved:
- Concurrent enrollment during your first quarter at UCLA
- To graduate with less than 180 units
- To graduate with less than 60 upper division units
- To graduate with a major GPA and/or overall GPA below a 2.0.
Note: The following procedures are handled with specific, separate petitions and do not use the College Student Petition:
- Study List Petitions (e.g. Late Add, Impacted Drop, Change Grading Basis, etc.)
- Dismissal/Multiple Withdrawal Appeal
- Reduced Fee
- Time to Degree
- Withdrawal/Time Off
- Transfer Course Credit Petitions
- Change in Major or Minor
- Double Major
Petition Elements
The following information/materials will be required for a student wishing to request an exception to a College policy:
- Explanation of Request
- Please clearly outline the College policy you are requesting an exception for.
- Student Explanation and Additional Documentation
- Please provide a written explanation of why you are making this request. Each request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and APPROVAL IS NOT GUARANTEED. As you provide a written explanation of your request, you should include as much relevant detail as possible, including a chronology of evens or description of your situation to assist the committee in reviewing your petition.
- You should also provide documentation to support your explanation, when possible.
Ready to submit? All the above information must be submitted online to your College Advising Unit. Visit the “Submission” tab for additional information and the link where you can submit your request.
Please select your advising unit to ensure that your request is routed correctly. If you select the wrong unit, your petition will not be reviewed, and you will be asked to resubmit it to the correct advising unit. Your advising unit is indicated on your DARS in the upper right hand corner.
Please note that petitions are normally processed within 10-15 business days of submission. Students may check the status of their petition on MyUCLA via the “Academics” tab → “Petitions” after the petition has been processed.

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