Late/Retroactive Add
If you need to add a course after the Friday, third week deadline (including after the end of the quarter in which you took the course), you should file this petition.
To consider a Late or Retroactive Add Petition, the College of Letters and Science requires:
- Approval of the course instructor
- A statement explaining why you were unable to add the class by the regular deadline and why your were unable to file the petition until now
- Provide a brief chronology of events that resulted in the delay of enrolling in this course within the study list deadline (Friday of Week 3).
- Explain why you need to enroll in the course for this specific term rather than at a later time.
- Please share any additional information about the request to enroll in this course at this time.
- Any documentation that may support or verify your statement
You must submit your petition online. We will accept a PDF or JPG of an email from your instructor verifying the following:
- What is the course and the student’s name?
- Do you object to the student adding this course after the deadline?
- Has the student ever attended class?
- If yes, what was the first date of attendance?
- Did the student take the midterm?
- Did the student take the final exam?
- Based on the coursework completed, what is the student’s grade at this time?
Please note that it the answers to the above questions must be explicitly stated, or your petition cannot be processed. We recommend you copy and paste the above and include it in your email request to the instructor. If these questions are not explicitly answered, we will not be able to process your petition.
You must be prepared to upload a PDF or JPG of your instructor’s verification when submitting your request.
Please select your advising/counseling unit below to submit your petition. (Please note that you may check your Degree Audit to see your advising/counseling unit. If you select the wrong unit, your petition will not be processed.)
- College Academic Counseling
- Academic Advancement Program
- Honors Programs
- CAC-Athletics – please consult CAC-Athletics for procedures to submit this petition
Please be aware that approval is NOT guaranteed, and is generally granted only for extenuating and documented circumstances. Check with your instructor to obtain guest access for the Bruin Learn site while your petition is being considered.
Please also note that study list petitions cannot be processed if you have holds that prevent enrollment transactions.
Once you have submitted the petition to your UCLA College advising unit, you should check the status of your petition on MyUCLA (click on the Services tab) to see if it is approved, denied, or requires further information or action.
Late Adds
An add is late if submitted after the Friday of third week deadline but before the last day of instruction in Week 10.
- Deadline: Last day of instruction.
- Fee: $20, if approved.
- Effect on Transcript: None.
Retroactive Adds
An add is retroactive if submitted after the last day of instruction.
- Deadline: Graduation, but you are encouraged to submit your petition as soon as possible, as the College will take into account the length of time between the quarter in which you took the class and the date you are petitioning to add it. If you are petitioning for a Summer Sessions class, the deadline is December 31 of the year in which you wish to enroll.
- Fee: $35 if approved.
- Effect on Transcript: All retroactive adds will generate a transcript notation indicating the date added.
Restricted Late Drop Petition
If you need to drop a non-impacted class between Weeks 8-10 of a regular term, you will need to submit a Restricted Late Drop petition to your UCLA College Advising Unit. Please be aware that students are restricted to three (3) restricted late drops during their academic career.
You must submit your petition online. We will accept a PDF or JPG of an email from your instructor verifying the following:
- What is the course and the student’s name?
- Did the student complete all the coursework and/or take the final exam and/or submit the last paper/project/assignment?
Please note that it must be explicitly stated that you did not finish or attempt the final exam, paper, or project. We recommend you copy and paste the above and include it in your email request to the instructor.
If you would prefer to obtain a physical signature from your instructor instead of an e-mail, please use this form .
You must be prepared to upload a PDF or JPG of your instructor’s verification when submitting your request.
Please select your advising/counseling unit below to submit your petition. The forms below will not be active until after Friday of Week 7. (Please note that you may check your Degree Audit to see your advising/counseling unit. If you select the wrong unit, your petition will not be processed.)
Deadline: Last day of instruction by 4:30pm Pacific (usually, but not always, Friday of Week 10; check the Registrar’s Term Calendar for current deadlines). Restricted Drop petitions for Winter 2025 will only be accepted online through 4:30pm Pacific on Friday, March 14, 2025. Because these petitions must be processed within our business hours, exceptions to this deadline will not be made. If you wish to drop a non-impacted class after the Restricted Drop deadline, (4:30pm Pacific, Friday, March 14, 2025), you must submit an Impacted/Retroactive Drop petition and, if approved, it will be processed as a retroactive drop.
Fee: $35.
Effect on Transcript: There will be a transcript notation indicating the course and the week dropped.
Please note the following: If you are dropping more than one (1) non-impacted class between Weeks 8-10, you must meet with a full time counselor in your UCLA College Advising Unit before approval will be granted.
If you have already dropped three (3) non-impacted classes between Weeks 8-10 and need to drop an additional class, you will need to submit the Impacted/Retroactive Drop petition. Please be aware that approval is rarely granted.
Please note that study list petition requests for the current term cannot be processed if you have holds that prevent enrollment transactions.
An Impacted/Retroactive Drop Petition should be used to drop the following classes:
- an impacted course during the term after the Friday of Week 2 impacted course drop deadline;
- a non-impacted course when exceeding the restricted late drop limit during Weeks 8 through 10; or
- an impacted or non-impacted course retroactively (after the last day of instruction and thereafter).
You must NOT complete the final requirements for the class (i.e., take the final exam or submit a final paper) in any way, if you wish to be eligible to drop the class, and must submit verification from your instructor. We will accept a PDF or JPG of an email from your instructor verifying the following:
- What is the course and the student’s name?
- Has the student ever attended class? If yes, when did the student first attend (approximate date or week)?
- Did the student take the midterm?
- Did the student complete all the coursework and/or take the final exam and/or submit the last paper/project/assignment?
- Date of the final exam, paper, or project.
- Based on the coursework completed (excluding the final exam/paper/project), what is the student’s grade at this time?
Please note that the answers to the above questions must be explicitly stated, or your petition cannot be processed. We recommend you copy and paste the above and include it in your email request to the instructor. Be prepared to upload a PDF or JPG of your instructor’s verification when submitting your request.
You will need to provide an explanation about why you are requesting an exception to the study list deadline. Your explanation should address the following issues:
- why you were unable to drop before the deadline;
- why you were unable to file this petition until now; and
- why circumstances affected this class and not others on your study list.
Please note that the information you share in your statement will be kept private, but not confidential. In some instances, we may be required to report incidents you disclose in your statement to the appropriate office on campus which may include the Dean of Students, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), the Title IX Office, and/or the University of California Police Department.
Please select your advising/counseling unit below to submit your petition. (Please note that you may check your Degree Audit to see your advising/counseling unit. If you select the wrong unit, your petition will not be processed.)
Please be aware that approval is NOT guaranteed, and is generally granted only for extenuating and documented circumstances.
Please also note that study list petitions cannot be processed if you have holds that prevent enrollment transactions.
Once you have submitted the petition to your UCLA College Advising Unit, you should check the status of your petition on MyUCLA (under features, go to ACADEMIC and click on “Petitions”) to see if it is approved, denied, or requires further information or action.
Deadline: Depends on purpose. Retroactive drops can be submitted anytime before graduation, but you are encouraged to file your petition as soon as possible, as the College will take into account the length of time between the quarter in which you took the class and the date you are petitioning to drop it.
Fee: Varies based on process.
- impacted class dropped during the term after the Week 2 deadline: $20.
- non-impacted class dropped during Weeks 8-10: $35.
- impacted or non-impacted class dropped retroactively: $50.
Effect on Transcript: All approved drops will generate a transcript notation indicating the course and the week (late) or date (retroactive) it was dropped.
Please note the following: Processing a retroactive drop does NOT exempt you from the College’s Expected Cumulative Progress requirement, Financial Aid stipulations , or any other program or service requiring full time enrollment.
1Many late or retroactive drop requests can be avoided if you check your Study List on the MyUCLA enrollment menu each quarter to be sure that you are enrolled in the classes that you think you are.
2It is a good idea to print out your Study List each quarter in case you need to verify your enrollment transactions at a later date.
Grading Basis Petition
If you need to change the grading basis of a class from Letter Grade to Pass/No Pass, or from Pass/No Pass to Letter Grade, after the deadline (Fall, Winter or Spring Quarter – Friday, Week 6; Summer 6 week session – Friday, Week 4), you will need to submit a Grading Basis petition to your UCLA College Advising Unit.
Please be aware that this petition is rarely approved. The following are insufficient reasons for a petition to change credit detail: poor or superior academic performance, receiving grades for exams, assignments, etc., after the deadline, poor judgment in choosing classes, change of major, or illness. Petitions submitted for these reasons will be denied.
You must submit your petition online.
If you are requesting a change from Pass/No Pass to Letter grade, you must submit verification of your grade from the instructor. We will accept a PDF or JPG of an email from your instructor verifying the following:
- What is the course and the student’s name?
- What grade is the student earning at this time?
Please note that the grade must be explicitly stated. We recommend you copy and paste the above and include it in your email request to the instructor.
Please select your advising/counseling unit below to submit your petition. (Please note that you may check your Degree Audit to see your advising/counseling unit. If you select the wrong unit, your petition will not be processed.)
- College Academic Counseling
- Academic Advancement Program
- Honors Programs
- CAC-Athletics – please consult CAC-Athletics for procedures to submit this petition
Deadline: Graduation, but you are encouraged to submit your petition as soon as possible, as the College will take into account the length of time between the quarter in which you took the class and the date you are petitioning to add it.
Fee: $20 if submitted before the last day of instruction; $35 if submitted thereafter.
Please note that study list petition requests for the current term cannot be processed if you have holds that prevent enrollment transactions.
Excess Units for the Quarter
Eligibility: To be eligible for excess units [exceed 19 units in a regular quarter (fall, winter or spring) or exceed 18 units in summer], you must meet ALL of the following conditions:
- Be in good academic standing
- Have a cumulative GPA = 3.0
- Have earned a GPA of = 3.0 in at least 15 units during the last quarter completed.
- If you do not have an established UC GPA (i.e., you are a new student), you are not eligible for excess units until you have established a UC GPA in a regular quarter. Please note that Summer is not considered a regular quarter.
Requesting Excess Units: If all of your grades are in for the previous regular quarter and you meet the eligibility requirements above, you will be automatically approved for 22 units in the enrollment system once the regular quarter has begun. Please check your MyUCLA page to see if your units have been granted before submitting a petition.
If you automatically receive 22 units and would like to enroll in 23 or 24 units in a regular quarter, you may come to Window 2 (CAC students) or REACH Virtual Hub (CAC/AAP students) on the day the excess unit petition opens (please see below for quarter specific dates) where the full-time counselor may either approve your request or ask you to submit your excess unit petition online (see below). Requests for 25 or more units will always require a petition.
If you want to enroll in more than 18 units in a summer quarter and meet the eligibility requirements, you should come to Window 2 (CAC students) or REACH Virtual Hub (CAC/AAP students) in Week 1 of Spring quarter once all your Winter quarter grades are in. The full-time counselor may either approve your request on the spot or ask you to submit your excess unit petition online (see below).
Petitioning for Excess Units: If you do not meet the eligibility criteria, you must submit your petition for excess units online.
- Petition turn-around time is 3-5 business days
- Students should check the status of the petition on MyUCLA to see if it is approved or denied, or requires further information or action
You must submit your petition online. Please note that this petition may only be submitted in Week 0/1 of the term (please see below for quarter specific dates/times), or after Winter grades are posted if you are requesting excess units for summer.
For regular quarter requests, DO NOT submit this petition until all of your grades are posted for the previous quarter or your request will be automatically denied.
For Summer requests, DO NOT submit this petition until all of your grades are posted for the Winter quarter or your request will be automatically denied.
Please select your advising/counseling unit below to submit your petition. (Please note that you may check your Degree Audit to see your advising/counseling unit. If you select the wrong unit, your petition will not be processed.)
- College Academic Counseling
- Requesting units for Spring 2025 can be done HERE starting at 12:00pm Pacific on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Please note that any petition links above will not be active until the indicated dates and that this form will close at 4:30pm Pacific on Friday of Week 3. If you are graduating in Spring 2025 or attempting to enroll in 4 classes that total more than 19 units, please visit REACH Virtual Drop In Advising once second pass begins.
- Requesting units for Summer 2025 can be done HERE starting at 12:00pm Pacific on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Please DO NOT submit this petition until all of your grades are posted for Winter 2025 or your request will automatically be denied. Please note that any petition links above will not be active until the indicated dates and that this form will close at 4:30pm Pacific on Friday, September 12th.
- Academic Advancement Program
- Requesting units for Spring 2025 can be done HERE starting at 12:00pm Pacific on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Please note that any petition links above will not be active until the indicated dates and that this form will close at 4:30pm Pacific on Friday of Week 3. If you are graduating in Spring 2025 or attempting to enroll in 4 classes that total more than 19 units, please visit REACH Virtual Drop In Advising once second pass begins.
- Requesting units for Summer 2025 can be done HERE starting at 12:00pm Pacific on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Please DO NOT submit this petition until all of your grades are posted for Winter 2025 or your request will automatically be denied. Please note that any petition links above will not be active until the indicated dates and that this form will close at 4:30pm Pacific on Friday, September 12th.
- Honors Programs – Please send your request for Honors via Message Center .
- CAC-Athletics – please consult CAC-Athletics for procedures to submit this petition.