Eligibility for a Fee Reduction

  1. Requests for part-time attendance will be granted only for documented reasons of occupation, home and family responsibilities, or health which prevent the student from carrying full-time study loads and is presumed to be permanent in nature.
  2. The student must demonstrate a need for part-time study for a minimum of three consecutive quarters.
  3. The student must enroll in 10 units or less in each of the three consecutive quarters.
  4. The student must submit the application for fee reduction with accompanying documentation no later than Friday of Week 2 of the quarter.

How to Petition for a Fee Reduction

  1. Submit your Undergraduate Request for Fee Reduction petition online through the Registrar’s webpage .
  2. The completed petition and all supporting documentation must be submitted to the Registrar’s portal on the above page before Friday of Week 2 of the quarter for which qualification is being requested.  Late submissions will not be approved.   Please see the Registrar’s term calendar page  for the applicable deadlines for each quarter.
  3. It is very important that you include documentation or verification of your reason(s) for requesting reduced fee with your submitted petition.
  4. Requests for fewer than 3 consecutive quarters will not be approved.
  5. Students approved for part-time attendance who become enrolled in or receive credit for ten or more units during a quarter will be required to pay the full fees for that quarter.
  6. Students who do not complete 3 quarters of Fee Reduction before returning to fulltime enrollment may be assessed full fees for the term(s) in which they had enrolled in Fee Reduction.